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From squats to push-ups, a kettlebell workout can burn up to 20 calories per minute – about as much as running a 6-minute mile. A kettlebell uses muscles in your body from head to toe, and it focuses a lot around your core and increases flexibility. A 2kg weight is perfect for beginners, and both men and women can use them as part of their workout routine. With a wide range of sports products, there’s something for everyone. Whether you’re a passionate hiker with an adventurous spirit, or a basketball player with a competitive soul, you will find all the equipment and clothes you need to do what you love most. Decathlon has equipment for various types of fitness and bodybuilding gears.
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They sell their products at low prices yet compatible with other big brands. Boxing, martial arts, and wrestling exercises are not only great for overall health, but these sports are a form of self-defence too. Decathlon has an array of combat sports equipment that will surely help to improve your skills. Having the right football shoes is important to prevent any injury on the field. Ranging from astroturf shoes to hard pitch boots, you can find just the right football shoe that does the job at Decathlon Malaysia. From jersey tops to shorts, you can simply assemble a team with Decathlon’s football outfits.